“In asserting of the independent identity of Champs-Elysees Film Festival and fortified by the success of its first six editions, Industry week comes back this year with the ambition to assert its position in favor of the emergence of French and American independent cinematography.
Our program US in progress, developed since 2012, has revealed many new talents of American cinema like Michael Tully, Hannah Fidell, Joshua Z.Weinstein, Benjamin Dickinson, Onur Tukel … This year, it appears in a strengthened version with the spotlighting of 10 American films in post-production offered to a panel of French professionals and for the first time to a jury composed of an exhibitor, a distributor, a producer and a journalist.
The professional days also welcome for this 2018 edition a new program: US & French Connection, created in collaboration with French in Motion and IFP. Our wish through this demanding project is to allow 5 developing American projects, at the scenario stage, to come to meet the French industry.
Our desire and our role is to make Industry Week’s new formula, the essential professional gateway between French and American independent cinema.”
Sophie Dulac, President of Champs-Elysées Film Festival