Champs-Elysées Film Festival offers several formulas to enjoy the festival: the unlimited Festival Pass, the Weekend Pass, the single screening ticket, the opening ceremony ticket, the closing ceremony ticket, the Masterclass ticket and the Premieres tickets. You can find more details here!
le billet Cérémonie d’ouverture, le billet Cérémonie de clôture, le billet Masterclass et le billet Avant-premières. Pour plus de détails, rendez-vous ici !
Are the movies subtitled?
Yes, movies in competition are subtitled: French movies are subtitled in english and American films are subtitled in french.
Where and when can I retrieve my unlimited Festival Pass / Weekend Pass / Opening Package?
Your unlimited Festival Pass / Weekend Pass / Opening Package can be retrieved at the festival’s Accreditations Office: – at Publicis Cinemas from June 13 to 19 – 129 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris – and at Publicis from June 20 onwards – 133 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris
Can I volunteer for the festival?
Yes, the Festival calls for volunteers each year.
How can I access the Festival’s rooftop?
Only those that hold an unlimited Festival Pass or a Weekend Pass can go on the Festival’s rooftop. Watch out, rooftop access is limited to available places.
How can I book for one specific screening?
To book a screening (outside of masterclasses and opening and closing ceremonies:
– If you are a pass-holder: head to the cinema where your screening and taking place in order to get your ticket by showing your pass and an ID.
– You are not a pass-holder: you can buy your ticket on the cinema’s website or directly at its box-office. No booking is possible through the festival’s website, please reach out to the venues themselves.
UGC Unlimited and Gaumon Pathé passes are accepted.
Customer service See Tickets: 08 90 21 38 38
As a pass-holder, do I have a reserved ticket for screenings, premieres and masterclasses?
For each screening, a quota of tickets are reserved for Pass-holders, therefore giving you more chances of getting a ticket for a screening.
How can I vote for the Public Award?
At the end of each competitive feature film screenings, all you have to do is drop your cinema ticket in the box by the exit. For short films, a ballot paper will be given to you at the beginning of the screening. You can simply rip the strip of the film you preferred.
e chaque séance de long métrage en compétition, si vous aimez le film, il vous suffit de déposer votre ticket de cinéma dans l’urne à la sortie de la salle. Pour les courts métrages, un bulletin de vote vous sera distribué au début de la séance. Il vous suffira de déchirer la languette devant le film que vous avez préféré.