The collection is a program of 5 short films produced by Yukunkun in partnership with the CNSAD-PSL and the SACEM. This collection is the result of the common desire of Nelson Ghrénassia (producer at Yukunkun), Claire Lasne Darcueil (director of the CNSAD) and Nicolas Derouet (casting director) to bring together experienced directors in the world of short films who are about to shoot their first feature films, and the young actresses and actors of the CNSAD’s Class of 2022.
Produced between two confinements, this collection testifies viscerally to the urgency of creating and representing a bit of what youth is today. Mathilde Chavanne, Clémence Poésy, Aurélie Reinhorn, Florent Gouëlou and Pierre Giafferi have made 5 films full of singularity and freedom, influenced by the constraints of production and those of the time, which will have their world premiere at the Champs-Élysées Film Festival 2021, in the presence of the CNSAD’s teams and student actors.