After her training at the TNS school, Pauline Lorillard performed in theater under the direction of Stéphane Braunschweig (Ibsen, Chekhov, Molière, Arne Lygre) and of Guillaume Vincent (Virginia Woolf, Marivaux, Wedekind and in La nuit tombe… by Guillaume Vincent himself), of Vincent Macaigne (Idiot!, Je suis un pays, Idiot! parce que nous aurions dû nous aimer) but also of Laurent Gutmann, Jonathan Châtel, Robert Cantarella, Nicolas Maury, Claude Duparfait, Thomas Blanchard, Simon Stone and more recently Laurent Charpentier in Frères et sœur at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris.
On the big screen, she performed in films by Mia Hansen-Løve, Bertrand Mandico (The Wild Boys – original title: Les Garçons sauvages, Ultra Pulpe, After Blue), Vincent Macaigne (Pour le réconfort), Nicolas Maury (Virginie ou la capitale, Garçon Chiffon), Sébastien Betbeder, and in short films by Jean-Baptiste Saurel, Alexis Diop, Anton Bialas, Marthe Sébille, Julien Gaspar-Oliveri, Anne-Sophie Bailly or in the medium-length film Sainte-Baume by Laetitia Spigarelli for which she received the Acting Award at the Côté Court festival in Pantin in 2021.