Two hapless drifters, Frank and Bruno, team up with Linde to recover her land and trek across 1870's Southern Arizona to find an elusive frontier musician. The complex quantum time theory is blended with philosophical musings about art as the way we understand our history and memories, with gunfights, horses, dance halls, cacti, and saloons !
"Franck and Bruno travel through southern Arizona in the 1870s as Odysseus once crossed the Mediterranean, condemned by higher entities to wander on their quest. After Franck’s release from prison, it lies in the obscure desire to prove that Franck did not cause the death of a musician by his actions. But their search is quickly stripped of its literal meaning to become an observation of the universes they cross. Not in the spatial sense of the word, but through the idea that each decision they make will create a new universe that will destroy other potential universes. Quickly, the goal becomes no longer the quest, but the observation of the roads that the protagonists take. We follow their path for a moment that could have been many others. It is here that art comes in, being the only thing able to "paint" these potential universes and keep a trace, an overall vision of this unique universe that has or could have existed. The form then meets the substance of this idea, each universe being differentiated by a unique style of animation, as if the brushes became the illustration of the infinity of possible realities. But like Ulysses, the two protagonists will meet characters who will divert them from their path. A young Amerindian woman who wishes to marry in order to recover her land, two salesmen the lure of gain has locked in an infinite temporal loop… all of them carry symbolic meaning and are the fruit of a trajectory undertaken long before them. This is perhaps the real quest behind this film, trying to describe the trajectories that have crossed America and its territory and that have contributed to shaping the errors and the flaws of today's American society."
Antoine Doux – Programmateur
Lily Gladstone, Kiowa Gordon, John Way, David Arquette, Frank Mosley, Patrick Page
Geoff Marslett (born in Texas) is an animator, director, writer, producer and actor. His work often revolves around the romance of connection and the way exploring your universe changes you and the place you explore. He grew up a cowboy with an interest in physics, and has worked in both construction and the Naval Research Lab before becoming a filmmaker. He adores his cat named FatFace, and still genuinely loves making things. He divides his time between teaching at the University of Colorado and making his own films.