In an attempt to win back her lover, Greg Shephard, who dreams of making movies and whom she dreams of marrying, Sophie Calle proposes a cross-country trip across America, camera in hand. On January 3, 1992, the couple leaves New York and embarks on an intimate road trip in a capricious Cadillac towards California...
Sophie Calle, born in Paris in 1953, is a writer, conceptual artist, photographer, filmmaker and even a detective. She frequently uses the method of investigation, and her work most often consists of the association of photography and writing. She invents her own rules of the game in order to "improve life", giving it a structure. It is only at a later stage that she incorporates her intimate experiences into the artistic sphere. Her installations are thus the result and the extension of situations staged and lived in an autobiographical mode. For her first project, for instance, in 1979, she decided to follow a stranger without his knowledge, which took her to Venice. "Suite Vénitienne" is the result of this shadowing. Her work has been exhibited in the greatest museums in the world: at the Centre Georges Pompidou, at the MoMA in New-York but also at the Venice Biennale in 2007...
Greg Shephard is an American photographer, director and writer.