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Seeing a little crazy project that we imagined, worked on, articulated and finalized come to life is seeing the victory of determination and dedication but it’s also celebrating victory over oneself.

Malraux once said, when men question their purpose on this Earth, culture is the answer. It is an irrepressible need to share, but also to leave a mark, an infinite trace of our existence to offer a smile to all those who allow themselves to be transported by what is beautiful, what is good and pleasant, by emotions and anything that make us feel alive.

This third edition is very significant: it is the result of the two previous ones while at the same time featuring new little gems and new perspectives.

Thank you to all those who continue to support us along this fabulous adventure, thank you to my team for their enthusiasm and their investment that make the festival a success and without whom I would never have been able to create it.

We will see you in June, from 11 to 17 on the Champs-Élysées avenue, adorned with our new poster, with as much pleasure as ever, to present a wonderful program for this new edition.

Cinématographiquement vôtre,

Sophie Dulac


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